"It is not only about a better understanding, but also about training the critical mind."
Florian Benz
Instructor at the seminar for vocational training and
education in Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg
MACRO in Class

Within the MACRO world...
basic elements of macroeconomic theory and economic policy are acquired and actively considered;
the goals of economic policy are made more concrete with areas of consensus and conflict being highlighted;
concrete economic policy decision situations are analyzed and problem-solving skills in strategic decision situations are trained;
group-related skills are learned through work organization and conflict management.

The decisive advantage of the business game is the high motivation of the students compared to traditional teaching methods. Various characteristics of the business game promote this motivation:
the proximity of the game and decision-making situations to observable events in reality;
the game character and the competitive situation between the teams resulting from the division into two countries;
the possibility and necessity of independent decision making and action;
the direct confrontation of the students with the results of their decisions, i.e. the immediate feedback on their performance.

If you are a teacher at a general or vocational school, lecturer at a university or any other multiplier, then you are invited to employ the MACRO business game in your teaching settings.
ASM provides you with the business game in conjunction with training by ASM employees. Are you interested? Then get in touch with us!